1. Trampoline:
All of us are excited about jumping over Trampolines. In the recent times, we also have these specific Trampoline parks around where all their games are based on this theme.
This makes me think of this could have originated and the reason for such a discovery. Earlier, a game similar to Trampoline was known. However, this was slightly different, people would toss the blanket dancers into the air, one at a time.
Later, a 16-year-old gymnast named George Nissen made the first trampoline in 1930. The resourceful teenager got his materials literally from scratch: a canvas and a steel frame that he got from a junkyard. He created a “bouncing rig” out of these materials with the help of his coach. Eventually, the canvas was replaced by nylon, which is definitely more bounce-able.
2. Popsicle:
Popsicle has been every kid’s favorite ever since. I can actually imagine of a super cool Popsicle in my hand, just with a thought of it.
Although ice-creams and Popsicle may sound same, the ingredients in them make them different. While an ice cream can be of milk and a cream base, Popsicle is usually a frozen ice with flavors in it.
Going back to the thought of how this amazing Popsicle was found: The credits go to a 11-year-old kid named “Frank Epperson” from San Fransisco. One on such winter night in 1905, Epperson mixed soda water powder and water in a glass and then left the stirring stick in the mixture. After a night out in the cold, the mixture had frozen solid – and the accidental inventor had created the world’s first Popsicle.
While it was originally name “Eppsicle” after the kid’s name, it was later named “Popsicle”, after the rights were obtained by New York’s Joe Lowe Company in 1925.
3. Braille:
Braille is one of the popular tactile writing system used by the visually impaired. The invention of such a useful script takes us back to 1824. A fifteen year old, Louis Braille, who had visual challenges as a result of an accident in his childhood, developed the script or a simple code, based on the silent communication originally used by the French Military.
Louis developed a code that represented alphabets through 6 dots, placed in different patterns. Earlier, braille was restricted only to French, later was developed in different languages.
Such great efforts by Louis in his childhood, has become a boon for a lot of visually impaired people around, and have helped them with a reading as well a writing script that they could use for communication.
4. Christmas Lights:
Christmas is the joyous celebrations of the birth of Christ. It marks the importance of the lights and Christmas trees, Stars lighted up in every street. The custom of decorating Christmas trees with candles symbolized Christ being the light of the world.
Earlier, people used to light their Christmas trees with actual candles, which posed a serious fire risk. However, by 1917 more and more people had already been using electricity. Although Electric Christmas lights were not actually new at that time, Albert Sadacca, was responsible in popularizing them for private use and has developed a more affordable set of Christmas lights specifically made for home use. His parent’s: Novely lighting business manufactured them, which became successful later.
Since then dazzling and colorful Christmas lights have been predominant every holiday season.
5. Superman
Superman, one of the favorite fictional Superhero, was first imagined by 17 year old Jerry Siegal and Joe Shuster in 1933. While Seigal was always an aspiring story writer, his friend Shuster provided illustrations to his work.

Shuster designed the now-familiar costume: tights with an "S" on the chest, over-shorts, and a cape. The tight-fitting suit and shorts were inspired by the costumes of wrestlers, boxers, and strongmen.
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